Hi, I’m Liz

About 20 years ago I started working as an educator in remedial pedagogy and as an animator, but over the years I oriented more towards coaching, therapy, and group facilitation.

I will explain you why...

So let me tell you my story first, briefly

And maybe some things will sound familiar to you...

Throughout my life, I've been struggling with depression, PMS, menstrual pains, burn-out, fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, food intolerances, urinary infections...
Since then, I've been striving to resolve these issues and optimize my health.
To this end, I have studied and applied various therapeutic approaches, such as Phytotherapy, Lifestyle-Nutrition-health Coaching, Dance- and Movement therapy, Art therapy, and many other modalities (like yoga and meditation, sophrology, forest bathing and nature connection, IFS, EFT, TRE, TIPI, Embodiment Coaching...)

I always managed to heal myself with the many self-therapy tools I learned, but other ailments kept cropping up...

And then I got a sciatica! Which disabled me, I couldn't move, or sleep, and I had to stop my work as a facilitator, I was in total agony all the time. I was diagnosed with two herniated discs. For almost two years, I tried all sorts of therapies, tools, medication, exercises, really you name it and I tried it. I dug deep... But nothing helped...

They said I had to learn to live with my pain and remain disabled... I was desperate...

How lucky I was to stumble upon a scientific, but little-known, approach that led me to a miraculous cure.

All the symptoms I had experienced over the years were in fact one and the same problem, and had the same origin.
What a relief to realize that there was a way out! A way to eliminate all symptoms, whatever their form. In a way, that sciatica was my greatest blessing!

You too can find a way out!

Here’s How I Can Help

During and after my recovery, I specialized in what is known as
the “psycho-physiological syndrome”.
Thanks to the inspired learning of renowned doctors such as Dr. Sarno and Dr. Schubiner, and the latest scientific research, and other specialists, I have developed a program for self-healing.
It's based on a range of tools of proven effectiveness.

Do you suffer from

chronic pain or other long-term symptoms

feelings of depression or anxiety

sleep or energy issues

menstruation problems or PMS

Then this might interest you:

Self-Healing Program

Self-paced, easy-to-follow steps on an online platform, and optional individual and/or group sessions


Guided exercises, workbooks, empowering self-healing tools, and background information


Online or in-person sessions to keep you on the right track and dive deeper when blockages occur


For peer support and more in-depth practice of various self-healing tools (online or in-person)

I offer a free consultation session to see if this method can help you, to understand your needs,
and to customize your program


*This practice does not replace medical consultations.

“Despite the stress associated with my 5 children, I no longer have any physical pain in my body. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.”

- Françoise -

Are you ready for change?
To find hope again?

To get to the core?

Find the missing link and the wisdom that can heal you.

Take back the power over your health and learn to become your own therapist.


Mind your body
Embody your mind

Whole-body Approach

During the program, we will work with the body, mind, and emotions,
with the whole person, as holistic, connected beings.
To be successful we can't separate one thing from the other, we need to work on all aspects.

I derive my practice from the following methods, techniques, wisdom, and inspiration:

Among others, the innovative research and applications of psychophysiological syndrome specialists Dr.Sarno and Dr.Schubiner, and of Dr.Bessel van der Kolk, Dr.Peter Levine and Dr.Gabor Maté in the field of trauma healing and the mind-body connection.

Authentic movement, LABAN, TRE, Creative Processing, braindance, bilateral art, therapeutic writing, EFT, IFS, TiPi, sophrology, nature connection and nature coaching, voice liberation, breathwork, mindfulness, embodiment coaching, bodywork, somatic therapy, LifeArt processes, Buddhism, Osho dynamic meditations, neuroplasticity and the polyvagal theory

You have the medicine already.
Both to prevent and in many cases to cure too.
(both physical and mental problems)
The medicine is your body, your expression, your movement, your mind, your food, your creativity,
your connections... it's your way of life.
There is so much you can do yourself to stay healthy and it doesn't have to be complicated!
I invite you on this path of self-healing and re-accessing your super-powers.
In my program and sessions, I'll teach you the techniques to make those healing lifestyle changes that stick and make you feel on top of everything again.

I'm based in a remote sweet nature spot in the Limousin, France.
Because of the distance, I also work online, in Dutch, English, and French.


"The pains of the body are the words of the soul, so we must not seek to heal the body without seeking to heal the soul."
